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Tech Support & Help

Log-in Issues:

If you are having problems with logging on please check to see if your caps lock key is not on. User names and passwords are case sensitive. Also if you just signed up make sure you follow the directions in the verification email you should have received. If you did not receive a verification email check your spam box. Closing Internet Explorer then re-opening it and trying to re-logon again may also resolve your issue. If you are still having problems logging on please send an email to describing what happens when you attempt to logon and provide the contents of any error message you may be receiving.

Live Video:

Our live video streams in the Flash format and requires that you have the Flash plugin installed for your browser.

Streaming audio/video quality can be affected by connection rate and Internet congestion. Also:

  • Make sure not to download applications or files while watching/listening to media streams.
  • Close other unnecessary applications that may be open on your computer.
  • Our streaming video requires a broadband Internet connection of at least 800kbps, such as Cable Modem, T1 or fast DSL. Dial-up will not work.

If you receive video without audio:

  • Verify that your system audio works by playing another audio application and/or checking your speaker and headphone wires, as well as your speaker/computer volume controls.

If you do not receive video or audio:

  • If you are using ad-blocking or pop-up blocking software, you may experience problems with streaming audio/video. We suggest you to disable the software and try accessing the stream again.
  • If you are behind a firewall or proxy server, you may experience problems with streaming audio/video.
  • Although less of a problem than ad blockers and firewalls, some overly protective anti-virus programs obstruct streaming video. If none of the earlier suggestions have worked for you, turn off your anti-virus programs and the videos should stream.

Please email with the error message and your question will be answered via email during normal business hours M-F, 9:00am – 5:00pm Pacific time. Or, you can always call (702) 227-7592 and ask for Calracing live video tech support.

Race Replays:

Remember, our replays require your web browser to be Internet Explorer and you will need to use Windows Media Player to show the replays. If you are having problems with our replays, please email with the error message and your question will be answered via email during normal business hours M-F, 9:00am – 5:00pm Pacific time. Or, you can always call (702) 227-7592 and ask for Calracing replays tech support.

Individual Tracks:

This web site was designed to be a portal for all-things racing in California. You should contact the individual tracks, organizations and facilities listed on this site directly using the links provided on their websites.


To update your login information, click here.

If you forgot your password, click here.

If you have comments/suggestions about this website, please email

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© 2025 Cal Racing  |  All rights reserved.  |  Disclaimer  |  Privacy Policy

Photo Credits:   Vassar Photography (Northern CA)  |  Benoit Photo (Southern CA)  |  Michael J. Marten (Southern CA)

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